• The Canada India Institutional Cooperation Project (CIICP) is a major Human Resource Development Project launched during the year 1991 through a Memorandum of Understanding signed between the Govt. of Canada and the Govt. of India. The main objective of the Project is to train the staff of the Polytechnic Colleges to improve the quality and enhance the quantum of the human resource potential and to achieve development in Polytechnic Education System.
  • Park AMC Polytechnic got the seal of approval from Strategic Planning Co-ordination Unit, DOTE, Chennai to gear up activities under Canada India Institutional Co-Operation Project in the year 2014.. By implementation of this Strategic Plan, Park AMC Polytechnic will be able to project itself as one of the excellent technical institutions by offering technical education and training to the younger generation, and to the down and outs for whom formal technical education is expensive. One of our main objectives is to make technology reach the downtrodden, the school drop outs and the denizens of this district through our extension services.
  • Continuing Education Centre, established under CIICP, is offering number of short term and long term courses, in technical computer and other areas to meet the needs of Industry, Business and Community. Courses are well received by public. Number of skill up gradation courses is also offered for the benefit of our students & outsiders


Canada India Institutional Co-Operation Project (CIICP)

  • Canada India Institutional Co-Operation Project was started in this institute in the year 2014-15. Through this Project the holistic development of all students are taken care of. There are six-thrust areas.

Staff Development

  • All Staff members are trained in new emerging technologies.

Continuing Education

  • Under continuing education, various courses are conducted to cater to the needs of schools dropouts, diploma holders, housewives, students of other institutes for their livelihood. Many courses such as CNC machines and Programming and Computer Applications are conducted.

Facility Development:

  • To meet the basic needs of the institution, a detailed survey will be taken among the students and staff members and the requisites will be made available to them with the support of management.